Billy Bragg on “How To” Write a Song?

Billy Bragg has songwriting advice to offer.  Or does he?

This video shows the UK artist and ubiquitous left-wing socialist interviewing with Creative.

Okay, maybe I am getting bored with all the attention going to musicians and songwriters with this political bent.  Sorry, people.  The musical world has a rich history of their works.  Anyway, here is the advice I hear from many talented songwriters summed up in a paraphrased quote from Rudyard Kipling:

“There are 90 ways to write a song, and every single one of them is right!”

Fine, Billy.  I mean thanks for the great advice and instruction.  Not!   I guess in true European Socialist fashion, I am much better off asking for the government to help train me to be a rock star!  That’ll guarantee me success, right?  Do ya think?


Actually, I like Billy Bragg and his video.  I am just having a little catharsis at his expense.  I sincerely thank him for sharing his advice, because it’s a common answer and pretty good one.  Insight and wisdom comes from all corners.  Just keep applying it to your own dreams in a way that fits you!

That’s how to write a song and be a better songwriter!

About the Author
DEAN OLSON is a songwriter, radio host and producer of two acclaimed interview series: "StrongWriter On the Radio" and "Dean Olson Hollywood Interview" "StrongWriter" is a conversational long form music interview program - now a podcast with selected episodes streaming on iHeart Radio. Occasional, Dean cleanses the listeners palette with shows featuring actors, authors and entertainers in his "Hollywood Interview" series. One element ties the two series together: The triad of faith, hope & encouragement. Dean is based out of Orange County in Southern California.

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