
StrongWriter On the Radio Podcast with your host DEAN OLSON

Shantell Ogden’s Jazz Dot

Me at Berklee Yes, I might be a songwriter focused on writing commercial music, but I did dabble in Jazz during my time at Berklee College of Music. Okay, it was less of a dabble and more of a dot–but nonetheless, I did write one Jazz tune that I consider decent. Just for kicks, have…

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Five Myths About Achieving Success as a Songwriter

By Cliff Goldmacher I thought I’d address some common misconceptions about life as a songwriter that tend to either slow down our progress or discourage us unnecessarily. The more educated you become about the mostly unwritten rules of the music industry, the less often you’ll be fooled and the better prepared you’ll be to make…

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Building The Perfect Beast: Form Follows Function

By Pat Pattison “OhMyGod Artie, stop!” yells Herbie. Artie’s ‘69 VW microbus wobbles over to the side of the road, next to a creame and baby blue Maserati convertible parked in the lot. “Boy, I’d like to drive that beauty. Looks like it really flies.” Whew,” whistles Artie ” Look at it, low, wide wheel…

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Verse Development With Pat Pattison

By Pat Pattison In its simplest form, this is the basic rule of songwriting: keep your listener interested all the way through your song. Get them with you from the beginning with a strong opening line, then keep them with you the rest of the way. Whether they stay or go is up to you….

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Today, there are theories, practices and inclinations within the recording industry that have taken over the best to the worst choices when it comes to getting that perfect CD.  Recording engineers and specialists consistently spend their time contemplating the best way to mix and master a wave file and how to actually get the job…

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By Dean Olson The creative process of songwriting can be a very magical and mysterious flight of fancy.  But, during that flight, as you enjoy that euphoria of soaring through the stars, it is generally a good idea to check your bearings.  Your right and left brain should be working together to complete each journey,…

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The improvement of technology and the capabilities within digital music not only allows for different sounds and formats to be available, but is also creating a space where musicians can record for themselves. If you are ready to record, you can set up a space that works for what you need and start moving towards…

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