Charlie Daniels: God, Not Government, Helped Me Succeed, Mr. President

Charlie Daniels is on his Soap Box!  A lot of people have something to say to the man in the White House, but it is interesting to hear the viewpoint of an artist like the great CD!!    


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An Open Letter To Barack Hussein Obama

Mr. Obama,

You recently made a statement to the effect that, “If you have a business you didn’t build it, you had help” inferring that the federal government helped build our businesses by virtue of paving roads and building bridges and keeping the nation safe from foreign invasion.

First of all, Mr. Obama, if I’m going to take advice about business it will not be from somebody who has had absolutely no business experience like yourself.

Secondly, Mr. Obama, I vehemently disagree with your premise.

Where was your government when I spent as much as 16 weeks away from my wife and infant son to get a business started?

Where were you on those cold winter nights when my old bus broke down in the middle of nowhere and we had to scramble to make the next show, nobody from the government came along to give us a ride.

Where was your government when I had to borrow money from a bank to make my payroll?

Where was your government while I was digging out of a two million dollar debt, playing every smoky beer joint I could to keep from losing everything I owned?

Mr. Obama, I want to make you aware of a fact. It is the federal government’s responsibility to build roads and bridges and keep the nation safe. That’s what the federal government is supposed to do, not create an entitlement society that is totally unsustainable and pile up debt that we can’t pay.

And who do you think paid for those roads and bridges in the first place, and have been doing it for 200 years before you were even born.

The citizens of this nation do not need to pay more taxes, the federal government needs to stop spending money it doesn’t have and has to borrow. Because the truth of the matter is that no matter how much taxes the government collects, things are only going to get worse because you’ll only spend it and demand even more.

Mr. Obama you have divided this nation by making the have-nots believe that anybody who has been successful has done so at their expense, that anything they’ve accumulated has been stolen, not earned. That hard work and risk had nothing to do with their success, they’ve just been lucky and should give a big part of what they earn to the government to pass on to those who don’t even try to be successful.
Look at what’s going on with your own race who put their hopes and complete confidence in you and voted overwhelmingly for you. The unemployment rate is 14% and the unemployment among the young African Americans is something like 40%
Is that what hope and change is all about?

Look at what’s happening in your hometown of Chicago where the murder rate is through the roof.

Do you think your baseless rhetoric about the unfairness of the successful in America is going to help soothe the situation?

Have you ever considered reaching out to them, instead of fanning the flames?

Mr. Obama I don’t think you like America very much. I think you’d like to redesign it from the ground up, to turn it into a lazy, unproductive, secular, socialist society.

Well, that just wont flush in a lot of ways, the most prominent being that when all the productive people have given up and stopped trying, when all the investors stop investing, when 80% of the population is living on government hand outs, your government is going to run out of money and this nation will sink into chaos.

But Mr. Obama, I’m beginning to think that’s what you want.

My help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth.
Not the government who made debt and class envy.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels




©Copyright The Charlie Daniels Band

About the Author
DEAN OLSON is a songwriter, radio host and producer of two acclaimed interview series: "StrongWriter On the Radio" and "Dean Olson Hollywood Interview" "StrongWriter" is a conversational long form music interview program - now a podcast with selected episodes streaming on iHeart Radio. Occasional, Dean cleanses the listeners palette with shows featuring actors, authors and entertainers in his "Hollywood Interview" series. One element ties the two series together: The triad of faith, hope & encouragement. Dean is based out of Orange County in Southern California.

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