Look What They’ve Done To Our Girls, Ma

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text h1_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751318}” h2_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751319}” h3_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751319}” h4_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751320}” h5_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751321}” h6_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751322}” p_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751322}” link_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751323}” list_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433601751323}”]I saw a lot of comments about Miley Cyrus appearing in this video. Most seem quick to absolve all the recent years of shock performances, and yield to the obvious reminder that she is talented. Of course she is. I remember watching her sing “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover” on the SNL 40th Anniversary special, fashionably dressed and killing it on stage. If this is Miley emerging as an adult artist, I support her. I’m supposing we haven’t seen the last of the three ring circus, but I hope she doesn’t become addicted to outdoing herself.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/GX9A5vv-jOM”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text h1_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847723}” h2_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847723}” h3_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847724}” h4_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847724}” h5_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847725}” h6_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847726}” p_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847726}” link_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847726}” list_css=”{.vc_customizer_1433604847727}”]Yes, I am old-school.  I like my pop music with soul and heart.  I enjoy hard rocking rhythms with melody and style.  I appreciate nonsensical phrases as well as poignant lyrics.  But, I can use a lot less soft-core porn and vulgar language, so this essentially labels me a throwback.   I find it hard to hide my feelings on this phenomenon of shock value in entertainers.   It saddens me in some ways (and I am hardly alone) that to get a few steps ahead of the pack,  pop performers will abandon all dignity to sell their brand and declare it artistic.  You know, things like stripping off their clothes, spewing ugly words and phrases in the lyrics, or mocking the community of faith that they likely are a part of themselves.

I never disliked Beyonce, Rhianna, Miley, Lady Gaga and the rest.  They were all nice girls growing up, but now that they are women, who guides their moral compass?  Other women?  Or a higher power, perhaps.   I get it, though.  The world changed, and it changed drastically.  Outrageous musical performances have come a long way since Little Richard, Elvis Presley, and Jerry Lee Lewis.  Or for that matter, Prince and Michael Jackson.  But not that far from Madonna.

I offer no solution to this.  I just believe, despite this third-wave feminism that permeates the media, that our daughters deserve to have their virtue protected.  And if other women won’t take the job, I know a lot of men who still care.

Bottom line:  I enjoy what Miley Cyrus is doing and am rooting for her to be remembered for her talent more than her antics in the past.  And doing a duet with Melanie doesn’t appear to be a bad decision moving forward.


About the Author
DEAN OLSON is a songwriter, radio host and producer of two acclaimed interview series: "StrongWriter On the Radio" and "Dean Olson Hollywood Interview" "StrongWriter" is a conversational long form music interview program - now a podcast with selected episodes streaming on iHeart Radio. Occasional, Dean cleanses the listeners palette with shows featuring actors, authors and entertainers in his "Hollywood Interview" series. One element ties the two series together: The triad of faith, hope & encouragement. Dean is based out of Orange County in Southern California.

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